Faith United Methodist Church
3500 Pershing Dr.
El Paso TX 79903
Welcome to Faith!
Looking for a place to grow in your faith as the church grows in mission?
Then FAITH is the place for you!
Christ Centered Family Friendly
Multi-Generational Mission Minded
Ministering in Central El Paso and Fort Bliss.
Faith United Methodist Church
3500 Pershing Dr.
El Paso, TX 79903
Office open 9am-4pm Monday-Wednesday
The office door is on Grama Street.
Mailing Address:
PO. Box 3896 El Paso, TX 79923
Live your Faith NOW
through Nurture, Outreach & Worship
Join Us At Our
New Time!
Sunday Worship
Sunday School for kids and adults
9:30 a.m.
For rental dates and pricing of the MPB and the church sanctuary. Please call 915-566-1654
Church email:
Nursery available during service.*
Certified Lay Minister: George Armas
Lay Leader: Ismael Gutierrez-N II